Just like the text the pictures are minimalist and still carry all that is desired to convey about a neighborhood. Excellent.

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I went to a big hippie music festival in Bridgeport called the Gathering of the Vibes. It was held right on the shores of the sound near the UB campus. They erected big fences to separate the festival from the city. Inside, every illicit drug you could think of was available for sale and openly consumed without (legal) consequence. When I left the festival to go to my hotel though, the Bridgeport PD had lined up a dozen local kids against the wall of some building across the street from the festival grounds and as I walked by I heard them talking about finding some pot in one of the boys.

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This article perfectly sums up the Bridgeport <-> New Haven feel. ...And I’m really impressed you were able to pull this walk off.

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I was told Bridgeport was ghetto but it’s funny how New Havens reputation is blurred out because of Yale.

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Thanks for the photos and the writing. Always interesting to see places I likely will never see on foot. Looking forward to England!

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