Did I forget to say thank you? sorry. I love that kitty and speak to it on boot up and shut down. lol

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Sorry to hear about your injury. Hope your rest is going well and you are not getting too bored. I do so enjoy your reflections down here in Australia. I'd love you to visit Canberra where I live, but also am afraid your insights might be too incisive. 🙂

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I walked a fair amount in Canberra in 2017 during the Crawford Fund's annual conference. No big objections, but there was an office-parky sterility to things IMHO. Couldn't believe all the cockatoos...I come from a land of pigeons...and pigeons won't disassemble your house!

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As someone who joined your journey recently, this sounds like a good time to get caught up on your past walks; take your time and rest up!

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Sorry to hear this, but hope you get better soon! Also, from my perspective at least, I didn't sign up to this Substack expecting a consistent flow of content; I just appreciate reading about different places whenever you have a chance to visit them.

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Get well soon Chris!

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Hope you get better soon! Your dispatches are a great motivation for me to walk as well, even if it's mostly just my local area. Thanks so much for what you do.

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I’ll miss your dispatches, but heal up!

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Wishing you a good recovery. I just had both hips replaced and have never felt better. I hope it’s an easy road. I love your writing.

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Get better soon Chris!

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Hi Chris. The doc should be able to quickly sort it out with an inexpensive plain x-ray. If you're keen to get an idea beforehand, try lying on the floor and hugging the knee to your shoulder, and compare with the other side. Most people with hip arthritis find it very hard to get the knee all the way back. Likewise, try and sit crosslegged and see if the affected leg can rotate out as far as the good one. Treatmentwise, a cortisone shot in to the joint can buy some time if there's an urgent need to use the leg, otherwise the standard shpiel is to modify activities in an attempt to delay a hip replacement. That's why cycling is so popular with older blokes!

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Jan 21Liked by Chris Arnade

Chris, I’m a family doctor and love your work. Are you sure it’s a sartorius muscle and not just hip arthritis which is a much more common diagnosis in older walkers? Both conditions cause pain in the front of the groin area. Hip bursitis is a different thing and causes pain laterally. It may respond to steroid shots as Sidney describes

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Stuart. Thank you so much. No I’m not sure. It’s a pain that comes mostly after walking. Want the outer hip part is new. Sorry to do this via text! But I’m gojng to a doctor in a few days to be serious about it!

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

I might suggest also posting accounts by other walkers but few of them provide the social commentary that you do.

Paul Theroux also did his long walks in the UK and had a lot to say about the people, often cranky but usually amusing although he did not take the pleasure in human company that you do.

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I like this kind of idea. Perhaps you could solicit walking stories from some of your readers and post some that are similar to your approach.

And of course your situation sucks, but as we all know life happens. There will be some lemonade to be made from your new batch of lemons.

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You have to take care of you Chris. Have you thought of a hover board? Enjoy your recuperation and may the creative juices flow.

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Sorry to hear about the injury. Yes, we will miss your columns but take the time to heal.

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I hope you feel better soon

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Jan 20Liked by Chris Arnade

So sorry get well and I'd like to snag the kitty in the window for my desktop.

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What is your email. Will send you full res copy

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